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Diagnostic aid

This diagnostic aid has been developed to identify dementia-related changes in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities (abbreviated as SPI(M)D) and it can be used in the diagnostic process. The results of the diagnostic aid only are not sufficient to make a diagnosis. Changes can also be caused by other conditions with dementia-like symptoms. These potential differential diagnoses must be ruled out.

The diagnostic aid is available as a PDF, which you can download for free.

The diagnostic aid consists of two parts.

  • The first part asks general information about the interviewer, informant(s), and the person with SPI(M)D.
  • The second part contains 42 items on dementia-related changes, categorized into seven symptom domains.

For each item, it is asked whether a change has been observed in the last six months compared to the typical/characteristic functioning or behaviour. This refers to the functioning or behaviour that is typical of the person and that they have exhibited during adult life before deterioration occurred.

  1. Changes in cognition
  2. Changes in language and speech
  3. Behavioural changes
  4. Changes in eating and drinking
  5. Changes in personal care
  6. Changes in motor skills
  7. Additional health problems